
188金宝搏亚洲体育 2020-06-24

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 公告

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 受188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 ,于2020624日在中国国际188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 网公告。本次188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 采用传统188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。

1.188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 条件

项目概况:本188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 项目为动力总成测试台架采购项目,188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 人为上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司,建设资金为188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 人自筹。项目资金已经落实,已具备188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 条件,现对该项目下列货物和有关服务进行国际公开188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 。


项目已具备188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 条件的说明:已具备188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 条件

2.188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 内容

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 项目编号:0633-204012117731

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 项目名称:动力总成测试台架采购项目


188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 产品列表(主要设备):











投标人应具备的资格或业绩投标人必须是制造商或制造商唯一授权的代理商在188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 机构登记并购买了188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件并已在机电产品188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 投标电子交易平台www.chinabidding.com成功注册。参与投标的供应商,在国内至少具有3家(含3家)以上客户,或者提供至少6套(含6套)具备相等能力的测试设备,并且都处于正常运转状态,投标人需提供详细用户清单。参与投标的供应商必须为系统的主要供应商,即供货范围内的主要部件为自己公司提供,也可以是长期与设备生产厂家合作的代理商。如供应商使用其它公司产品或与不同公司的产品组合在一起参与投标,供应商必须提供对其它公司产品的质量、性能、相互通讯和服务的保证负责的承诺。投标产品制造商必须通过ISO9001认证、ISO14001认证或等效的质量体系认证。投标人在中国大陆地区应有专门的售后服务机构,必须有专人负责设备的维修,能够提供24小时服务响应,48小时内到达现场服务。投标人应提供售后服务机构的地址、电话、人员清单、联系人等资料。


未领购188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件是否可以参加投标:不可以

4.188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件的获取

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件领购开始时间:2020624

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件领购结束时间:202072

获取188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件方式:现场领购

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件领购地点:本项目只发售电子版188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件,请潜在投标人于本188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 公告有效期限内,即202062483000秒起至202072180000秒止,登录精彩纵横电子交易平台(www.jczh100.com)在线支付后下载188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件。

188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 文件售价:¥600 / $100



投标文件送达地点:188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 柳州分公司(广西柳州市东环大道230号居上V8A191912号开标室)

开标地点:188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 柳州分公司(广西柳州市东环大道230号居上V8A191912号开标室)

6.投标人在投标前应在必联网(http://www.ebnew.com)或机电产品188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 投标电子交易平台(http://www.chinabidding.com)完成注册及信息核验。评标结果将在必联网和中国国际188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 网公示。


188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 人:上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司




188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 代理机构:188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人







中国国际188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 网(chinabidding.mofcom.gov.cn)为国家商务部指定的全国机电产品国际188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 投标活动公共服务平台和行政监督平台,注册事宜请联系中国国际188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 网,相关要求详见《机电产品国际188金宝搏亚洲体育与真人 投标实施办法》。


Bidding Notice

Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2020-6-24

1. Bidding Conditions

Overview: SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Corporation Ltd. invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers of Powertrain test bench by the way of international competitive bidding, and the project’s fund has been confirmed.

Source of Funds: The project’s fund has been confirmed.

Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: The project’s fund has been confirmed.

2. Bidding Content

Bidding No: 0633-204012117731

Project Name: Powertrain test bench procurement project

Place of Implementation: Liuzhou, P.R.China

List of Products:


Product Name


Main Technical Data



Powertrain test bench


Includes dynamometerRated power: ≥220KW

3. Qualification Requirements for Bidder

Qualifications or Performance

The bidder must be the manufacturer or the only authorized agent of the manufacturer, have registered and purchased the bidding documents with the bidding agency, and have successfully registered on the electronic trading platform for bidding and tendering of mechanical and electrical products (www.chinabidding.com). The supplier participating in the bidding shall have at least 3 (including 3) customers in China, or provide at least 6 (including 6) test equipment with equal capability, and all of them are in normal operation. The bidder shall provide detailed list of users. The supplier participating in the bidding must be the main supplier of the system, that is, the main parts within the supply scope provided by the company, or the agent cooperating with the equipment manufacturer for a long time. If the supplier USES the products of other companies or participates in bidding with the products of different companies, the supplier must provide a commitment to be responsible for the guarantee of the quality, performance, communication and service of the products of other companies.The manufacturer has passed ISO9001, ISO14001 or equivalent quality system certification.The bidder shall have a special after-sales service agency in mainland China, and a dedicated person shall be responsible for the maintenance of the equipment. The bidder shall be able to provide 24-hour service response and arrive at the site service within 48 hours. The bidder shall provide the address, telephone number, personnel list, contact person and other information of the after-sale service agency.

Joint Bids: NOT Available

Bid without the bidding documents: NOT Available

4. Acquisition of Bidding Documents

Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 2020-6-24

Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 2020-7-2

To Obtain: On-site Purchase

Place: project only offer electronic tender documents, please invite potential bidders in this bidding announcement valid period, that is, 2020-6-24 08:30:00 until 2020-7-2 18:00:00 stop, login (www.jczh100.com) downloading bidding documents after online payment.

Price of Bidding Documents:600/$100

5. Bid Submission

Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 2020-7-16 10:00

Place of Bid: Liuzhou Branch, Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.( Address: 1912,19F, Block A, Jushang V8 Building, No. 230, Donghuan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi)

Place of Bid Opening: Liuzhou Branch, Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.( Address: 1912,19F, Block A, Jushang V8 Building, No. 230, Donghuan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi)

6. The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com.

7. Contact Details

Purchasers: Saic GM Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd

Add.: No.18, Hexi Road, Liuzhou, Guangxi

Contact: Mr. Yang Mingming

Tel.: (0086)772-2658606

Bidding Agency: Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd

Add.: 7/F, Jinyuan CBD Building, No.63, Jinhu Road, Nanning, Guangxi

Contact: Mr.Yang Zhao,Ms.Liao Lina,Mr.Su Chang

Tel.: (86) 771-2833821


8. Remittance Approach

9. Additional Instructions

China international tendering (chinabidding.mofcom.gov.cn) for International Tendering and bidding of mechanical and electrical products nationwide designated by the State Department of Commerce and public service platform administrative supervision platform, registration please contact Chinese International Tendering requirements, refer to "mechanical and electrical products in the international bidding implementation measures" implementation.